About Austria
Austria is a European country - right in the heart of the European Union. The country is characterized by a high standard of living, democracy and military independence.
Austria in numbers
Key Facts
Here are the most important facts about Austria. In the appendix you will find further statistical facts, country, people & lifestyle can also be found in the information area.
Capital Vienna
Federal capital and largest city of Austria is Vienna. The city is among the top 10 in the world for quality of life. The rich culture of the capital makes the city definitely worth seeing.
Language: German
The official language in Austria is German, although the level of English is very good depending on the age group. Due to local dialects, spoken German often differs greatly from Standard German, which is why it is difficult to learn the language at first
National holiday 26.10.
October 26th is Austria's national holiday, celebrating independence after the end of the occupation after World War II. Other important holidays are mostly due to the Catholic Church (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost,..)
Currency Euro
As with all members of the monetary union, the national currency is the euro.
Sockets: Type F
Sockets correspond to type F (with earthing contacts). Type C & E plugs (without protective contacts) can also be used with it.
Emergency call
In the event of an emergency, the following important numbers are to be known:
112- EU-Nemergency call
122- Fire department
133- police
144- rescue
About Tyrol
The federal state of Tyrol lies in the west and in the heart of the Alps. The state includes North Tyrol & East Tyrol. It is surrounded by the northern neighboring state of Germany (Federal State of Bavaria) and the southern neighboring state of Italy (South Tyrol). The state capital is the city of Innsbruck in the middle of North Tyrol.